-  3.39.23
Installing pyfaust in Python virtual environments (Python venv & Anaconda)


1. Python 3.12
2. Anaconda

1. Python 3.12

First, you need to create your virtual environment into a directory reserved to pyfaust:

    $ python3 -m venv test_pyfaust-3.39.23

Second, you need to enable the virtual environment:

    $ source ./test_pyfaust-3.39.23/bin/activate
For Windows users the command is rather:
    C:\> call .\test_pyfaust-3.39.23\Scripts\activate

Then, if all worked correctly you should see the test_pyfaust-3.39.23 prompt of your virtual environment.

It remains now to install pyfaust in this environment.

If you downloaded the whl package the command is: $ pip install pyfaust-*.whl

Otherwise, a simpler way is to directly install pyfaust from the public PYPI repository: $ pip install pyfaust

All the dependencies will be downloaded and installed by the command above.

You can launch this python command to validate the installation:

    $ python -c 'from pyfaust import version; print(version())'

As a result, you should see the version of pyfaust installed if all went properly.

In the virtual environment python is necessarily python version 3 (because the creation was made through python3 above).
On Mac OS X you might need to install OpenMP for pyfaust to work, for further information please look at this FAQ entry.

2. Anaconda

Within Anaconda you can also create a virtual environment and install pyfaust there. It's quite similar to the Python way described in the previous section. In that purpose you'll need to use the command conda-create. Please type the following commands in an Anaconda prompt or a shell prompt:

Create the virtual environment:

conda create -n pyfaust_venv python==3.12

Add conda-forge channel (it is necessary for the pyfaust dependencies):

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Load the virtual environment created earlier and install pyfaust:

conda activate pyfaust_venv
conda install -c pyfaust pyfaust
the -c flag specifies the channel from which to retrieve the pyfaust package.

Try if it works:

python -c "import pyfaust as pf; print(pf.rand(5,5))"
Faust size 5x5, density 5, nnz_sum 125, 5 factor(s):
- FACTOR 0 (double) SPARSE, size 5x5, density 1, nnz 25
- FACTOR 1 (double) SPARSE, size 5x5, density 1, nnz 25
- FACTOR 2 (double) SPARSE, size 5x5, density 1, nnz 25
- FACTOR 3 (double) SPARSE, size 5x5, density 1, nnz 25
- FACTOR 4 (double) SPARSE, size 5x5, density 1, nnz 25

For further information please rely on the documentation here or about the specific conda-create command please look here: conda-create.