def | pyfaust.version () |
| Returns the FAuST package version. More...
def | pyfaust.faust_fact (*args, **kwargs) |
| This function is a shorthand for pyfaust.fact.hierarchical. More...
def | pyfaust.license () |
| Prints the FAuST license. More...
def | pyfaust.norm (F, ord='fro', **kwargs) |
| Returns Faust.norm(F, ord)` or numpy.linalg.norm(F, ord)`` depending of F type. More...
def | pyfaust.dot (A, B, **kwargs) |
| Returns Faust.dot(A, B) if A or B is a Faust object, returns numpy.dot(A, B) ortherwise. More...
def | pyfaust.pinv (F) |
| A package function alias for the member function Faust.pinv(). More...
def | pyfaust.concatenate (_tuple, *args, axis=0, **kwargs) |
| A package function alias for the member function Faust.concatenate. More...
def | pyfaust.hstack (_tuple) |
| Concatenates horizontally Faust-s and/or numpy.ndarray objects using Faust.concatenate(). More...
def | pyfaust.vstack (_tuple) |
| Concatenates vertically Faust-s and/or numpy.ndarray arrays using Faust.concatenate(). More...
def | pyfaust.isFaust (obj) |
| Package alias function of Faust.isFaust. More...
def | pyfaust.wht (n, normed=True, dev="cpu", dtype='float64') |
| Constructs a Faust implementing the Walsh-Hadamard Transform (WHT) of order n. More...
def | pyfaust.bitrev_perm (n) |
| Bitreversal permutation. More...
def | pyfaust.dft (n, normed=True, dev='cpu', diag_opt=False) |
| Constructs a Faust F implementing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of order n. More...
def | pyfaust.dct (n, normed=True, dev='cpu', dtype='float64') |
| Constructs a Faust implementing the Direct Cosine Transform (Type II) Faust of order n. More...
def | pyfaust.dst (n, normed=True, dev='cpu', dtype='float64') |
| Constructs a Faust implementing the Direct Sine Transform (Type II) Faust of order n. More...
def | pyfaust.circ (c, dev='cpu', diag_opt=False) |
| Returns a circulant Faust C defined by the vector c (which is the first column of C.toarray()). More...
def | pyfaust.anticirc (c, dev='cpu', diag_opt=False) |
| Returns an anti-circulant Faust A defined by the vector c (which is the last column of A.toarray()). More...
def | pyfaust.toeplitz (c, r=None, dev='cpu', diag_opt=False) |
| Constructs a toeplitz Faust whose first column is c and first row r. More...
def | pyfaust.eye (m, n=None, dtype='float64', dev="cpu") |
| Faust identity. More...
def | pyfaust.rand_bsr (num_rows, num_cols, bnrows, bncols, num_factors=None, density=.1, dev='cpu', dtype='float64') |
| Generates a random Faust composed only of BSR matrices. More...
def | pyfaust.rand (num_rows, num_cols, num_factors=None, dim_sizes=None, density=None, fac_type='sparse', per_row=True, dev='cpu', dtype='float64', field=None, seed=0) |
| Generates a random Faust. More...
def | pyfaust.rand_butterfly (n, dtype='float64', dev='cpu', diag_opt=False) |
| Constructs a Faust corresponding to the product of log2(n) square factors of size n with butterfly supports and random nonzero coefficients. More...
def | pyfaust.opt_butterfly_faust (F) |
| Optimizes any Faust composed of butterfly factors. More...
def | pyfaust.enable_gpu_mod (libpaths=None, backend='cuda', silent=False, fatal=False) |
| This function loads explicitly the gpu_mod library in memory. More...
def | pyfaust.is_gpu_mod_enabled () |
| Returns True if the gpu_mod plug-in has been loaded correctly, False otherwise. More...
def | pyfaust.is_gpu_mod_working () |
| This function returns True if gpu_mod is working properly False otherwise. More...
def | pyfaust.seed (s) |
| (Re)Initializes the pyfaust pseudo-random generator. More...
def | pyfaust.faust_logo () |
| Generates the FAµST logo and returns it as a Faust. More...